Thursday, February 07, 2013

Macam-macam Metode Kriptograpi

Asymmetric (public key) encryption:
  1. DSA
  2. ElGamal
  3. Elliptic curve cryptography
  4. NTRUEncrypt
  5. RSA
Cryptographic hash functions:
  1. HMAC: keyed-hash message authentication
  2. MD5 – Note that there is now a method of generating collisions for MD5
  3. RIPEMD-160
  4. SHA-1
  5. SHA-2 (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512)
  6. Tiger (TTH), usually used in Tiger tree hashes
Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generators
  1. Blum Blum Shub - based on the hardness of factorization
  2. Fortuna, intended as an improvement on Yarrow algorithm
  3. Linear feedback shift register
  4. Yarrow algorithm
  5. Key exchange
  6. Diffie–Hellman key exchange
  7. Secret sharing, Secret Splitting, Key Splitting, M of N algorithms
  8. Blakey's Scheme
  9. Shamir's Scheme
Symmetric (secret key) encryption:
  1. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), winner of NIST competition, also known as Rijndael
  2. Blowfish
  3. Data Encryption Standard (DES), sometimes DE Algorithm, winner of NBS selection competition, replaced by AES for most purposes
  4. IDEA
  5. RC4 (cipher)
  6. Tiny Encryption Algorithm